Swasthavritta and Yoga Department

Swasthavritta Department - 
This department deals with the total health or complete fitness; harmony at each level i.e. physical, physiological, psychological and spiritual of a human being.

Swasthavritta is the branch of Ayurveda which deals with preventive measures of health through holistic approach by healthy lifestyle, Diet, Hygiene, Yoga & Naturopathy that are beneficial for life. And this is the prime concern of the department of swasthavritta.

To strengthen this preventive aspect of Ayurveda in students, the Department of Swasthavritta provides theoretical and practical knowledge of traditional Ayurvedic concepts, Yoga along with community medicine topics, and public healthcare as per the curriculum.



  • We have ample scope for research & practice of preventive medicine for various non-communicable and lifestyle disorders, which are current challenges in the field of medicine. For that, we are planning to start higher studies (MD in Swasthavritta) for research and academic purposes.


  • Department has adequate space, a well-developed museum with charts & specimens, and a yoga hall for practical training of students as per CCIM norms.
  • The lectures are carried out through audiovisual aids along with powerpoint presentations.
  • Swasthavritta OPD & AYUSH wellness Center in the hospital, which guides the people as well as patients about the diet, Yoga, Pranayam, Asanas and overall lifestyle changes to live the life better and to fight the Lifestyle disorders. 
  • 2 AYUSH GRAM “Nardipur” & “Kolwada” have been under supervision of the Swasthavritta Department for 2 years.
    List of Available Models/Charts
    Sr no namesquantity
    1Insanitary well1
    2Sanitary well1
    3Step well1
    4Sewage treatment plants1
    5Deep tube well1
    6Slow sand filter1
    7Rapid Sand filter1
    8Bore hole latrine1
    9Trench Latrine1
    10Septic Tank Latrines1
    11House Drainage Systems1
    12Activated Sludge Process1
    13RCA Latrine 1
    14Set of Indian food Article1

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